Tag: trailer
The Idealist
The Idealist follows investigative journalist Poul Brink (Plaugborg) as he attempts to uncover the truth behind a nuclear accident in Greenland during the Cold War. When an American B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed in Danish territory in 1968, only three of the devices were recovered and documented. Two decades later, and with a…
Featuring the star of Raid and Raid 2 A full-tilt, all-out revenge thriller, packed with bone-crunching, bullet-blasting, blood-spurting martial arts and violence, this is Crank meets The Bourne Identity for the next generation of action fans!When a mysterious young man (Iko Uwais) jolts awake after months in a coma from a gunshot wound to the…
Nails is a UK horror film starring comedian Ross Noble (Stitches) in a straight role as a nurse looking after a patient convinced she is being stalked by a creature from beyond the grave. Is ‘Nails’ just a medical hallucination or a very deadly threat ? See the story on Screenanarchy here Trailer commissioned by Kaleidoscope Film…
Catfight is American comedy with bruising action set-pieces. When estranged friends Sandra Oh and Anne Heche meet at a party – the fur flies and their lives change forever. Also stars Alicia Silverstone. GVFilm re-worked the original trailer with new graphics and a punchier edit. Trailer commissioned by Arrow Films. Catfight is in UK Cinemas March 10…
Army Of One
GVFilm were commissioned by Arrow Films to create the Official UK trailer for Army Of One starring Nicolas Cage. We created new animated UK graphics and oversaw deliverables of the localized version. We also created brand new 20 second TV spot edits and re-branded to match the physical release as well as creating online marketing…
Army Of One
GVFilm were commissioned by Arrow Films to create the Official UK trailer for Army Of One starring Nicolas Cage. We created new animated UK graphics and oversaw deliverables of the localized version. ARMY OF ONE is the (mostly) true story of Gary Faulkner (Nicolas Cage), an ex-con, unemployed handyman, and modern day Don Quixote who…
Tales Of Halloween
We were recently commissioned by Arrow Films to regionalise a new UK trailer for the horror compendium, Tales Of Halloween. In addition we supplied a ‘TV Spot’ 30 second trailer for social media and cut a selection of GIF’s for social use – a deliverable that we are increasingly being asked to produce in campaign…